
Retailers who have partnered with TIC Group on a Central Returns Centre (CRC) experience a substantial reduction in overall freight and labour costs.  This centralised approach streamlines the entire returns process, giving retailers back space, time, money and analytics.  Allowing the retailer to make evidence based decisions that positively affect their bottom line.


The CRC processes in excess of 15 million items each year.   The model allows retailers to manage their product lines and create new end markets for products otherwise destined for landfill.

Data and Analytics

With data and analytics, retailers can make decisions faster, smarter and with confidence. Our systems provide the information needed to maximise supply chain efficiency and ensure everything is running as precisely and smoothly as possible. 


Our CRC streamlines the entire returns process, saving staff countless hour’s back of store, improving freight and tracking all products with 100% accuracy.  In addition, the CRC can assist retailers with online fulfilment, managing store fixtures and fittings and creating bespoke solutions for individual retailers.

"Stores now have options. Before TIC, options were limited and it was just too hard, it was easier to write off the stock – today this stock gets managed appropriately, avoiding costly write offs, product going to landfill and staff time to manage it. "

Large retail store


Reverse Logisitcs' Central Returns Centre